雅思口语考试10个满分表达 – 瞬间提分的idioms





  1. To put all your eggs in one basket (孤注一掷,在一棵树上吊死)

第一个习语: To put all your eggs in one basket,表面意思是把所有鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里,实际意思是孤注一掷,在一棵树上吊死。我们经常听说“don’t put all your eggs in one basket”,这个至理名言的意思是不要孤注一掷,不要把一切希望寄托在一件事上。我们在描述自己的人生选择时也可以用起来。


“What’s your plan after graduation?”


“I’d like to enroll in a master progam in the United States and I’m currently applying for five universities.”

然后他追问:“Why five?” 我回答说,

“Because I don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket. I’ll definitely have better chances of getting at least one offer.”


2. The best of both worlds (两全其美,各取其长)

然后雅思考试第一部分warm-up session考官还喜欢问:

“Why do you want to go study abroad?”



”The main reason that urges me to go study abroad is that I’d like to experience the best of both worlds.”

当我们说某样东西是the best of both worlds,想要表达的是:我们能同时享受两种很不一样的事物带来的好处。所以关于这个问题,我们还可以追加说,

“I’d love to compare the differences in western and Eastern cuisine, different ways of learning, and diverse lifestyles. In this way, I get to see the best of both worlds. ”


3. Bread and butter (谋生之道,主要收入来源)

另外对于工作了的同学,在这个warm-up session考官还特别喜欢问 ,

“Do you like your job? Why did you choose that job?”


“It’s a perfect fit of my educational background and my talents. Plus, it’s my bread and butter.”

 面包和黄油是西方人经常吃的东西,连在一起就是主要收入来源。那我们不经意的插一句“It gives me my bread and butter”,听起来是非常地道加分的。

4. Give somebody food for thought (引人深思的)

还有一个很好用的idiom是give somebody food for thought,字面意思是精神的粮食,实际上就是引人深思的东西。比如我们在描述自己最喜欢的书时可以这么用:

“My favorite book at the moment is Educated which gave me food for thought on the significance of education.”


“What do you think makes a good painting?”


“I think a good painting needs to give people food for thought, to begin with.”


“What kind of advertisements do you like the most?”


“I normally switch channels when I run into advertisement on TV. But once in a while, some ads succeeded in grabbing my attention which have a message behind, and somehow gave me food for thought. An excellent example is the likeagirl ad campaign. It challenged the conventional idea that playing sprots like a girl is a bad thing. The message was so inspiring that it encouraged girls around the world to feel more confident and positive.”

5. Not my cup of tea (不合我胃口,非我所爱)

接下来一个经典表达,是日常生活中英美人士都超爱用的:not my cup of tea,字面意思是不是我的茶,翻译过来就是非我所爱,不符合我的胃口。


“Do you like pets?”


“Keeping a pet is not my cup of tea. It’s not that I don’t like animals, it’s just that I don’t have the energy or the space to take care of one. ”


“Rock music is not my cup of tea, but I’m a huge fan of classical music, such as pieces composed by Yann Tiersen. They are just more comforting and soothing to me. ”

6. Once in a blue moon (少有的,罕见的)

另外我们讲到不喜欢什么东西时,还可以用一个更夸张但很常见的习惯用语,就是:once in a blue moon。



“What’s your favorite sport?”


“Actually I’m not very athletic. Once in a blue moon, I would go out hiking with my friends for a little bit. But most of the time, I lead an extremely sedentary lifestyle.”


“But I do want to make a change and pick up a sport, like cycling. It’s definitely healthier to stretch out a bit and enjoy some fresh air outdoor.”

7. A drop in the ocean (沧海一粟、九牛一毛)

还有一个类似的谚语a drop in the ocean, 大海里的一滴水,就相当于我们成语里的“沧海一粟”和“九牛一毛”。


“How can people protect the environment? ”


“I think people can adopt a healthier lifestyle to protect the environment, such as not using plastic bags when going grocery shopping. I know some people would criticize and say that it’s just a drop in the ocean, and can hardly make any difference. But I do think it’s small things like this that would make a difference in the long run.”

8. Know something like the back of my hand (对什么东西了如指掌)

然后我还想分享一个在工作中我同事们很喜欢用的表达:know something like the back of my hand,就是对什么东西了如指掌。


“I don’t know Arabic culture like the back of my hand, but what I do know is that blablabla…”



“Tell me a piece of artwork that you like.”


“Oh no, I don’t know any art! ”


“Actually, I don’t actually know art like the back of my hand, but I guess I can the Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh is my favourite piece of artwork.”


9. Off the top of my head (不假思索地)

还有一个类似的表达也可以帮我们争取一点点的思考时间:off the top of my head。

The top of one’s head就是一个人的头顶。那Off the top of one’s head就是想说,我们对某件事情没有准确的信息,但是凭借我的记忆或猜测可以这么给出意见。


“What’s your favorite movie? ”


“I watch movies of different genres all the time, like comedy, science fiction and chick flicks. Off the top of my head, I would say the Star War series is one of my favorites.”

我在给出我最喜欢的电影前加了这么多的前缀,就是为了buy me some time。保持我的回答很流利。是不是很棒呢?

10. Make a long story short(长话短说)

最后一个表达是to make a long story short,意思就是长话短说,非常适合用于结尾。


To make a long story short, the Strasbourg Cathedral is my favourite piece of architecture.”





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